Marta Vidal

I have written about a wide range of subjects, including birdwatchers, political prisoners, black flowers blooming in the desert and communities resisting mining projects. 

I am drawn to stories that highlight hope, beauty, and joy in the most unlikely places. My work focuses on resilience, courage, and kindness in contexts of violence, oppression and environmental degradation; on the ways people respond to adversity with creativity and resourcefulness, and on how oppressed and marginalised groups express defiance and resistance. 

I’m interested in telling stories that foster solidarity, engagement and accountability.

MIDDLE EAST EYE (23/5/2018) An imposing building with cylindrical towers stands out on the steep hill of Mertola, a southern Portuguese town

EQUAL TIMES (1/7/2019) In an art therapy session for Yazidi survivors, a girl drew a portrait of her friend who committed suicide

EQUAL TIMES (27/3/2019) On 20 March 2019, families and groups of friends gathered at sunset in the mountains surrounding Sulaymaniya in Iraqi

NEWS DEEPLY (26/3/2019) Humanitarian aid organizations tend to view men as more capable of coping with hardship and often overlook them as

MIDDLE EAST EYE (23/3/2019) Olive, lemon and palm trees provide shade over the small garden where Abu ElHajj recently started growing carrots,

EQUAL TIMES (22/3/2019) “There is war in Sudan. Many people are getting killed, women raped, men beaten. In Jordan, we just stay

NEW INTERNATIONALIST (MARCH 2019) Lurdes Magalhães no longer sees her neighbours, she only sees tourists. The neighbourhood chatter has been replaced by

LOMOGRAPHY MAGAZINE (5/2/2019) Forced to flee war with their families and to leave their homes, Iraqi and Syrian youth living in Jordan

Al JAZEERA (4/2/2019) Portugal’s ceramic frogs croak racism. Al Jazeera reveals racist practice that plays on superstition among Roma who consider frogs