Marta Vidal

I have written about a wide range of subjects, including birdwatchers, political prisoners, black flowers blooming in the desert and communities resisting mining projects. 

I am drawn to stories that highlight hope, beauty, and joy in the most unlikely places. My work focuses on resilience, courage, and kindness in contexts of violence, oppression and environmental degradation; on the ways people respond to adversity with creativity and resourcefulness, and on how oppressed and marginalised groups express defiance and resistance. 

I’m interested in telling stories that foster solidarity, engagement and accountability.

Crimes sem honra

EXPRESSO (10/8/2019) Kifaya tinha 16 anos quando a família decidiu que devia morrer. O irmão mais velho amarrou-a à cadeira da cozinha,

MIDDLE EAST EYE (28/9/2019) The school bell rings at a quarter past seven in the morning at the al-Rashid primary school in

AL JAZEERA (26/9/2019) Teacher by day, deliveryman by night. In a public secondary school in central Amman, a maths teacher moonlights as

OPENDEMOCRACY (28.8.2019) 2019 got off to a bad start in Portugal. In January, the leader of a far-right group – who spent 12

QANTARA DW (2/9/2019) Military and pro-democracy leaders signed a power-sharing agreement in August paving the way for a promised democratic transition after

AL ARABY (15/8/2019) Ahmed was 16 years old when he fled his village in the Karnoi area in west Darfur. “In the

PUBLIC RADIO INTERNATIONAL (14/6/2019) “Discounted maids!” announces a male voice on the radio. “If you’re not satisfied you can return your maid

AL ARABY (13/6/2019) Last year, Lisbon’s Islamic Community celebrated its 50th anniversary. The community was established by migrants in the 1960s, but Islam

QANTARA (27/5/2019) Archaeologists in Mertola have spent the last 40 years looking for traces of Portugalʹs Islamic past. What they found shows