Marta Vidal

I have written about a wide range of subjects, including birdwatchers, political prisoners, black flowers blooming in the desert and communities resisting mining projects. 

I am drawn to stories that highlight hope, beauty, and joy in the most unlikely places. My work focuses on resilience, courage, and kindness in contexts of violence, oppression and environmental degradation; on the ways people respond to adversity with creativity and resourcefulness, and on how oppressed and marginalised groups express defiance and resistance. 

I’m interested in telling stories that foster solidarity, engagement and accountability.

SETENTA E QUATRO (26/8/2021) Um barco está atracado à porta da sede da Presidência da Comunidade de Madrid, na praça central da

AL JAZEERA (13/8/2021) In the summer of 1521, Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes looted and destroyed the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.

EQUAL TIMES (21/6/2021) Standing on a wooden tripod on a major road leading to Lisbon Airport, a young activist holds a pink

FUMAÇA (17/12/2020) Na semana passada, o trabalho Yazidis: O genocídio esquecido foi reconhecido com uma das cincos menções honrosas da 22.ª edição do Prémio AMI

MIDDLE EAST EYE (5/11/2020) Surrounded by books on feminism and portraits of women’s rights activists, Maria Elayan, the star of a new

EQUAL TIMES (11/9/2020) On a sunny Saturday in July, Bruno Candé sat, as he did every day, on a bench with his

AL JAZEERA (24/7/2020) Jordan is often described as “resource-poor” due to its lack of fossil fuels, limited agricultural land and water scarcity.

WASHINGTON POST/THE LILY (22/6/2020) “I can hear it! The sound of … misogynistic trash!” says Qahera. Carrying a sword as sharp as

EQUAL TIMES (16/6/2020) When she left the Philippines to work in Jordan, Rosa took two mobile phones with her. She knew that