Marta Vidal

I have written about a wide range of subjects, including birdwatchers, political prisoners, black flowers blooming in the desert and communities resisting mining projects. 

I am drawn to stories that highlight hope, beauty, and joy in the most unlikely places. My work focuses on resilience, courage, and kindness in contexts of violence, oppression and environmental degradation; on the ways people respond to adversity with creativity and resourcefulness, and on how oppressed and marginalised groups express defiance and resistance. 

I’m interested in telling stories that foster solidarity, engagement and accountability.

A língua do outro

CERCHI NELL’ACQUA (DEZ 2018) Em Março de 2016, Hasan Aldewachi, um cientista iraquiano, foi expulso de um voo Easyjet porque a mensagem

OPEN DEMOCRACY (9/1/2019) Tourism is booming in Portugal, but so is housing speculation. Gentrification has been causing the displacement of the poor,

MIDDLE EAST EYE (20/12/2018) Animals rescued from Aleppo, Mosul and Gaza have found new lives in a peaceful sanctuary surrounded by mountains

EQUAL TIMES (4/12/2018) In Jordan, more women than men are going to university and girls have been consistently outperforming boys academically. Yet

JORNAL MAPA (SET/NOV 2018)  A especulação imobiliária desencadeada pela explosão do turismo tem feito com que a habitação no Porto seja cada

AL JAZEERA (12/10/2018) On Friday evenings in Mitte, Berlin’s central district, the sound of an oud travels up from the public library’s ground

MIDDLE EAST EYE (25/9/2018) A 1974 Mercedes, wrapped in a blanket of books, stands still on Rainbow Street – one of the oldest and busiest

BUALA (6/8/2018) Em 2016, o primeiro-ministro António Costa anunciou a disponibilidade para aumentar a quota de refugiados. Desde então, o governo português tem reiterado

AL-JAZEERA (20/3/2018) Kashmir has a rich tradition of artisan culture. Intricate woodcarvings, colourful papier-mache and exquisite cashmere scarfs made the Himalayan valley renowned