Marta Vidal

I have written about a wide range of subjects, including birdwatchers, political prisoners, black flowers blooming in the desert and communities resisting mining projects. 

I am drawn to stories that highlight hope, beauty, and joy in the most unlikely places. My work focuses on resilience, courage, and kindness in contexts of violence, oppression and environmental degradation; on the ways people respond to adversity with creativity and resourcefulness, and on how oppressed and marginalised groups express defiance and resistance. 

I’m interested in telling stories that foster solidarity, engagement and accountability.

BBC (9/8/2024) “My two favourite animals are sheep and wolves,” says Miguel Afonso as he looks over his flock of 200 sheep

THE GUARDIAN (6/6/2024) Sitting in the shade of an olive tree in the valley of Ein Qiniya, northwest of Ramallah, wildlife photographer

NEW LINES MAGAZINE (24/4/2024) Under the banner of a “green transition,” the EU is rushing to revive mining to secure critical raw

BBC (13/3/2024) On a cold, misty morning, a herd of dun-coloured Sorraia horses, an endangered local breed, graze on grass and small

WASHINGTON POST (3/2/2024) The rhythmic noise of axes whacking trees echoes in the depths of the cork oak forest. But in Coruche,

AL JAZEERA (30/1/2024)  Paulo Pires walked up the hill with his flock of sheep and dogs on a warm day in August,

MONGABAY (11/12/2023) In the hills of Barroso high in northeastern Portugal, the water gushes down small channels built many centuries ago, winding

FOREIGN POLICY (30/11/2023) Every Friday, the streets of downtown Amman fill with thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags. “The people want the

EXPRESSO (30/6/2023) Todas as primaveras, milhões de aves migratórias voam sobre a Faixa de Gaza, um território onde os palestinianos vivem sob