Marta Vidal

Retratos dos despejos no Porto

JORNAL MAPA (SET/NOV 2018)  A especulação imobiliária desencadeada pela explosão do turismo tem feito com que a habitação no Porto seja cada ver mais vista como um investimento e não como um direito. As rendas têm vindo a disparar, e são cada vez mais os inquilinos com ordens de despejo ou com contratos que não […]

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Portugal, país acolhedor? Refugiados partilham histórias de discriminação

BUALA (6/8/2018) Em 2016, o primeiro-ministro António Costa anunciou a disponibilidade para aumentar a quota de refugiados. Desde então, o governo português tem reiterado o seu compromisso de receber pessoas refugiadas. Os discursos de boas-vindas aos refugiados contribuem para reforçar a auto-imagem que Portugal se abona como país acolhedor e tolerante. No entanto, segundo um relatório publicado pelo Alto […]

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Kashmiris turn to art to challenge Indian rule

AL-JAZEERA (20/3/2018) Kashmir has a rich tradition of artisan culture. Intricate woodcarvings, colourful papier-mache and exquisite cashmere scarfs made the Himalayan valley renowned for its fine handcrafts. Cashmere scarfs are usually embroidered with flowers and birds, but the artists Mahum Shabir and Mir Suhail wanted to challenge conventional representations of Kashmir and its crafts by designing […]

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Ron Haviv: Imaging War

BALKAN DISKURS (21/3/2016) Ron Haviv has spent almost 25 years documenting conflicts around the world, from the wars in Bosnia and Rwanda to the famine in Somalia. He spent 10 years photographing the Balkan wars, taking some of the most famous photographs of the Bosnian war. We met in Sarajevo, where an exhibition of his […]

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Flotel Europa: Memories of a Bosnian Refugee in Denmark

BALKAN DISKURS (19/11/2015) In 1992, Vladimir Tomić was twelve years old when the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina started. He fled Sarajevo with his mother and older brother, and sought asylum in Denmark. With refugee camps completely full, the Danish Red Cross began housing refugees on an enormous ship called Flotel Europa, moored in the port of Copenhagen. […]

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Art Aevi in Sarajevo: A Museum for Peace

BALKAN DISKURS (23/12/2015) “If you are looking for hell, ask the artist where it is. If you don’t find the artist, then you are already in hell,” wrote Avigdoor Pawsner in 1793. Two hundred years later, the Bosnian artist Dean J. Toumin quoted Pawsner during the war in Sarajevo. Pawsner’s words now welcome visitors to […]

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Silence and Denial in Višegrad

BALKAN DISKURS (25/1/2016) On 14 June 1992, 70 Muslim civilians were taken by a group of armed Serbs to a house on Pionirska Street in the eastern Bosnian town of Višegrad. They were locked in the basement, where the carpet beneath their feet was set ablaze. At least 59 people were burned to death. A […]

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Remembering Srebrenica at the Sarajevo Film Festival

GLOBAL VOICES (9/9/2015) Considered the worst massacre in Europe since World War II, 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb troops at Srebrenica in 1995. A new film focusing on survivors of the Srebrenica genocide premiered at the 21st Sarajevo Film Festival on August 17 On August 17, Bosnian director Samir Mehanović presented his documentary […]

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Síria “É melhor morrer só uma vez”

OBSERVADOR (11/4/2015) Sete milhões de deslocados, três milhões de refugiados, mais de 215 mil mortos. São números do conflito na Síria que dura há mais de 4 anos. Esta é a história de quem o viveu na primeira pessoa Amal, chamemos-lhe assim porque ela pediu para que não seja revelado o nome verdadeiro, senta-se num café […]

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