Marta Vidal

Agribusiness depletes soil and water in Portugal’s Alentejo

AL JAZEERA (11/10/2022) ‎‏‎‏Sitting in her home in a white-washed village nestled in Alentejo’s gently rolling hills, 92-year-old Inácia Cruz likes to reminisce about simpler times. “This region was rich in bread,” she says wistfully. “We would produce olive oil, cereals and cork. We didn’t need to buy things from abroad. We grew our own […]

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They make a desert and call it profit – How berry exports are draining Iberia

JOURNALISMFUND.EU Across the southern Iberian Peninsula, plastic greenhouses stretch to the horizon where rain-fed olives, wheat and grapes were traditionally grown. Spain and Portugal are Europe’s main producers of water-intensive berries. But the region is also one of the continent’s driest areas, where droughts are becoming more frequent. Reports have warned Europe’s fruit garden is […]

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Jordan’s ‘other’ refugees stuck in limbo with frozen asylum claims

MIDDLE EAST EYE (3/7/2022) Before he fled Sudan, Ahmed was an award-winning runner. Now, as an undocumented asylum seeker in Jordan, he mostly runs away from the police.  “But I’m not a criminal,” he says as he opens his backpack to show his seven medals – gold, silver and bronze – won at junior championships in three […]

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Calls for Middle East food sovereignty amid looming wheat crisis

MIDDLE EAST EYE (19/3/2022) Concerns are growing across the Middle East that the war in Ukraine will cut off international shipments of wheat, spurring shortages and soaring prices of a staple food millions of people rely heavily upon. Russia and Ukraine produce about a quarter of the world’s wheat. The MENA region is particularly dependent on wheat […]

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Jordan’s grassroot movement for food sovereignty

AL JAZEERA (7/2/2022) Carrying sickles, a group of Jordanians gather to harvest a wheat field that spreads around Amman’s City Mall. Logos of international supermarkets and franchises tower above the golden wheat, as dozens of people reap a crop that for thousands of years has been cultivated in the region. This collective harvest last summer […]

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Com o ódio à janela

SETENTA E QUATRO (28/1/2022) “Hoje acordámos com o ódio escrito nas nossas janelas.” Foi assim que os donos de uma mercearia árabe em Lisboa denunciaram terem sido alvos de um ataque xenófobo. Numa madrugada de outubro, a mercearia do Médio Oriente Zaytouna (azeitona em árabe) foi vandalizada com uma mensagem ofensiva contra o islão, e […]

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Copper mine threatens Jordan’s largest nature reserve

AL JAZEERA (3/10/2021) At dawn, blue and pink rays start to break over Dana’s mountain ridges. Birdsong and rustling leaves are the only sounds in the valley. Spread over 300sq km (116sq miles) from towering sandstone cliffs to desert plains, the Dana Biosphere Reserve is Jordan’s largest and most diverse protected region but its days […]

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Zapatistas ‘invade’ Madrid to mark Spanish conquest anniversary

AL JAZEERA (13/8/2021) In the summer of 1521, Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortes looted and destroyed the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. Today, 500 years later, Mexico’s indigenous Zapatistas are holding their own “invasion” of the Spanish capital to mark the anniversary. A delegation of seven Zapatistas set out by boat from Mexico’s most eastern […]

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