Marta Vidal

In Portugal’s Rural North, Communities Are Resisting Lithium Mining

NEW LINES MAGAZINE (24/4/2024) Under the banner of a “green transition,” the EU is rushing to revive mining to secure critical raw materials. Plans to build large, open-pit mines in northeastern Portugal have been met with strong opposition from local communities, who are contesting the state’s authority to grant mining licenses without their consent. As […]

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Lithium mining threatens agricultural heritage in Portugal’s Barroso

MONGABAY (11/12/2023) In the hills of Barroso high in northeastern Portugal, the water gushes down small channels built many centuries ago, winding through a mosaic of pastures, oak and pine forests, and arable and fallow land. Sitting on her porch overlooking a carefully kept garden full of flowers and vegetables, Aida Fernandes remembers the day […]

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Jordan’s Teetering Balancing Act

FOREIGN POLICY (30/11/2023) Every Friday, the streets of downtown Amman fill with thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags. “The people want the liberation of Palestine,” the crowds chant, their voices echoing across the city. For more than a month, Jordanians have demonstrated in solidarity with Palestinians against Israeli bombardments in the Gaza Strip and voiced […]

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“Gostávamos de ser pássaros para podermos mover-nos livremente”

EXPRESSO (30/6/2023) Todas as primaveras, milhões de aves migratórias voam sobre a Faixa de Gaza, um território onde os palestinianos vivem sob o bloqueio militar imposto por Israel. De cabeça erguida para o céu, observadores de pássaros sonham com liberdade na “maior prisão a céu aberto” GAZA – Numa manhã no início da primavera, o […]

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How Trapped Palestinians Fell in Love With Bird-Watching

THE DAILY BEAST (7/4/2023) The skies of Gaza fill with shifting shapes on an early spring morning. At first they are barely visible, only specks soaring above central Gaza’s wetlands. Mandy Sirdah quickly raises her binoculars. “Storks!” she shouts excitedly. Close by, Lara Sirdah, her identical twin sister wearing matching clothes, grabs her long-focus camera […]

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Europe’s growing appetite for berries is sucking up Iberia’s water

EARTH ISLAND JOURNAL (March 2023) Autumn in Doñana National Park was once a spectacle of abundance. First the rains would arrive. Then, the birds. Journeying from Northern Europe, millions of migratory birds would descend on the wetland complex in southern Spain, heralding the start of the new season. Northern shovelers, pintails, whistling ducks, and other […]

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In Jordan, growing U.S. aid and shrinking freedom

FOREIGN POLICY (13/11/2022) As she looked out the window of her bare, dimly lit living room in October, Mervat Hamda counted the days since the authorities took away her son Anas al-Jamal: 138. “He is more than my son—he is my closest friend,” she said as she showed me family photos in their home in […]

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