Marta Vidal

Reviving the Hejaz railway with a park

AL-MONITOR (4/12/2019) The century-old Hijaz Railway crosses Amman from north to south. Children play close by, jumping over the track that once connected Jordan’s capital to Syria, Palestine and Saudi Arabia. It’s been almost a decade since the last train to Syria departed from Amman’s train station. With the railway largely abandoned, families stroll along the line built […]

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Reading for social change in Jordan

THE NATIONAL (17/11/2019) Sitting at her desk in one of her three offices in Amman, Rana Dajani says she wears many hats – or rather, many scarves. “I am a mother, a teacher, a scientist, a social entrepreneur and a feminist. But instead of hats I wear scarves,” says Dajani, who sees hers as a metaphor for her many […]

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Meet Fado Bicha, Portugal’s queer anti-racist feminist musicians

OPENDEMOCRACY (28.8.2019) 2019 got off to a bad start in Portugal. In January, the leader of a far-right group – who spent 12 years in prison for his role in a racist murder and other hate crimes – was invited to speak on one of Portugal’s most popular TV talk shows. On air, he argued that the country needs a new […]

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Islamic traces in Portugal’s past

AL ARABY (13/6/2019) Last year, Lisbon’s Islamic Community celebrated its 50th anniversary. The community was established by migrants in the 1960s, but Islam has much more ancient roots in Portugal. “Islam is in Portugal’s soul,” said the Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa while standing at the entrance of the Central Mosque of Lisbon for the […]

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Where Christians pray facing Mecca

QANTARA (27/5/2019) Archaeologists in Mertola have spent the last 40 years looking for traces of Portugalʹs Islamic past. What they found shows that Islam is not alien to Europe and has in fact deeply influenced Portuguese history and culture. When archaeologist Claudio Torres first visited Mertola, a small town in the south of Portugal, he […]

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Music and art help Yazidi genocide survivors to heal

EQUAL TIMES (1/7/2019) In an art therapy session for Yazidi survivors, a girl drew a portrait of her friend who committed suicide to avoid rape while under Da’esh (the so-called Islamic State, or IS) captivity. Another one drew a butterfly because her biggest wish, she explained, was to be able to fly away. These girls […]

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A língua do outro

CERCHI NELL’ACQUA (DEZ 2018) Em Março de 2016, Hasan Aldewachi, um cientista iraquiano, foi expulso de um voo Easyjet porque a mensagem que estava a escrever no telemóvel em árabe foi vista como suspeita por outros passageiros e denunciada à polícia. Em Outubro do mesmo ano, Khairuldeen Makhzoomi foi obrigado a sair de um avião […]

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“Baynatna – the Arabic library promoting inclusion in Berlin”

AL JAZEERA (12/10/2018) On Friday evenings in Mitte, Berlin’s central district, the sound of an oud travels up from the public library’s ground floor. The Middle Eastern string instrument is being played in a room in Stadtbibliothek, Berlin’s municipal library, where Baynatna has found a home. It is the first Arabic-language public library in the German city. An […]

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